Tuesday 3 March 2009

is masturbation immoral?

No chance. I mean realistically if it is then most males will be guilty of being immoral, me included, and lots of females. My view on the subject is that it is safe, consequence free, doesn't endanger anyone of becoming pregnant, and has its own benefits related to stress-relief. If you masturbate and understand what your body enjoys, you will be able to communicate with to your future partner more easily. Being able to tell your partner what really works for you is going to make sex more enjoyable and give you partner a solid information base to experiment with. You can't expect someone else to know how to please you if you can't please yourself can you really? As I have heard, some girls don’t like their boyfriends masturbating regularly as it 'makes the sex less enjoyable'... I don’t think this is true, everyone has needs; sometimes your girl isn’t around to fulfil them... Wounded for them! :P

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