Friday 20 March 2009


Everyone tells lies right? I mean say if a child approaches a parent with a drawing and upon looking at it the parent thinks it is a load of shit, the parent will still say well done right? Instead of saying how awful it is and that the child shouldn’t bother. I personally do tell the occasional white lie; like when my girlfriend asks me if she is annoying me that it takes her about 4 years to get ready, or if my friend asks me if I want to see his holiday pictures and I say yes when secretly I’m thinking id rather eat his pet hamster. Yes it’s a lie if you look at the simple picture, but in the greater picture you are preventing hurting someone’s feelings and damaging the relationship you have with that person. As a untilitarianist, I see it as I’m making people happy rather than upset, and it results in me being liked more, which is obviously better than these people thinking I’m a dick. So yes, in my opinion, liars are liked more in that way. On the other hand I think if you look at a scheming person, who lies and deceives for their own benefit, such as saying to your partner you would never cheat on then, and half an hour later your in bed with her 'friend', then that is bad, very bad (the lying I mean, although the cheating is bad but its a separate issue), and I myself would not lie to people to deceive then or betray them, unless I had to save my families life for example. I think lying can be seen as acceptable, if it brings happiness to the greatest number without betraying a person or being deceitful.
This link explains why allowing lying is a good thing:

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