Friday 6 March 2009

Abortion *this contains an image you might find disturbing*

This i have found myself debating with myself for years, ever since i was sitting in my classroom at school arguing for abortion to be made illegal (this isnt my oppinion as you will soon see, i was told to argue for this) in my GCSE english verbal exam. at the end of the day, there is something about abortion that seems unforgiveable, as it destroys a potential life. but is it really unforgiveable? well im some cases i would say yes, like if there is a baby that properly starting to develop as the parent has waited too long to decide to abort her baby, and aborted a baby that is more than just a couple of months pregnant, take this picture for example:

for me, it is hard to see how this is not murder, as that baby has clear shape and must have been the result of an abortion that occured after more than just a few weeks of pregnancy. for me, here, the line has been crossed.
however, despite how disturbing that picture is, abortion, in some cases is the right thing to do. if the parent feels that they cannot provide for the baby financially, and knows in their heart that they are not ready to bring up a child with the love and attention it needs, then it is best both for the child as well as the parent if the child is aborted, although i do feel really bad saying this. in some cases where i have seen parents hitting their 12 month old baby in a street full of people, after seeing about 2 minutes where that parent treats their child like a piece of shit, i think that the child would have been better off aborted. some parents simply cannot look after children, and the result is that the child has a terrable upbringing and an awful start to life. these cases would only increase if abortion was made illegal. but this doesnt mean that people shouldnt take precautions when having sex, its no excuse.

1 comment:

  1. I too have found that I have had to debate this topic many times, but I come from a catholic school, so we was always told to argue against, an opinion I still hold. To be abortion is just as bad as murdering someone.

    I agree with the idea that abortion is unforgivable, and is something I could never do. I find the image you have put up shocking, I can’t believe people are able to abort a pregnancy that has gone this far. Personally I can’t ever see a need for abortion to take place at all, especially at such a late stage. People should be responsible enough to not get pregnant, there is enough contraception around. So there is no excuse to put themselves in such a position. I believe that if abortion was made illegal it would prevent so many unwanted pregnancies, because people would be more careful, and would not use abortion as a form of contraception.
