Wednesday 29 April 2009


I myself have a tattoo, but it’s just a small, discreet dragon on my shoulder. I see absolutely nothing wrong with a person having a tattoo if they want one; it’s their body and they can do what they like with it. If someone else doesn’t like it or has a problem with it then that’s their problem and the way I see it they should mind their own business and keep their opinions to themselves. None of my family has had a problem with my tattoo, apart from my aunt who lives in America. When she came back she made a sly comment about it and I remember thinking mind your own business, stupid woman. I have never really liked her as much since, but maybe I shouldn’t take it personally. Back to the point thought, if people see that we shouldn’t abuse our bodies that god gave us, then they should also look at the fact that we have free will, so we can do what the hell we like with our bodies, within reason of course. No self harm or anything like that. Oh and tattoos are not self harm! Its body art. :D

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