Friday 27 February 2009

is there really a good excuse for infidelity

Many people will and do try to justify why they cheat on their partners. I myself have yet to be guilty of this ' bad' behaviour; however I never plan to and am strongly against it. I do however appreciate why sometimes people do it, well I would say understand rather than appreciate... I read an article about how a married man found his wife was giving him little or no attention, showed him no love or that she cared. He loved his wife but felt the relationship was dying, and longed to feel wanted again. Eventually he became wanted again, but it wasn’t his wife giving him this attention, but a colleague at work who showed an interest in him. What happened next is obvious, but the question is how did it get to this stage? I believe there are no excuses for this as I believe that if there had been more communication in the relationship then this problem couldn’t have accumulated. Both need to be prepared to sort out and discuss their problems; otherwise the relationship isn’t going to go anywhere. If the person isn’t prepared to listen, then the question of is the relationship going to work is open to question. There is no excuse for infidelity. Feel free to argue with me, I’m open minded so will listen to any criticism you throw at me.
This link looks into the debate that is; Can relationships survive infidelity?:

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