Tuesday 5 May 2009

Illegal downloading

Well this is obviously bad, because it is stealing really because you are not paying for what you should be paying for. But its saving money isn’t it really? If you have a choice to either get something so easily for free, or pay for it, it isn’t really a hard decision. I used to download illegally until my computer broke, as I didn’t have that much money anyway so I couldn’t really afford to pay about a pound for a song when I was looking to download like 100. Ok, I wouldn’t mind paying a few pounds now and again, but 100 pound I would never spend on music, never! I can appreciate that it’s breaking the law but at the end of the day I’m not really harming anyone am I? that’s the way I see it, well I would, I’m just trying to compensate for what I’m doing. I shouldn’t really but oh well.

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