Friday 1 May 2009

pot luck = no luck! (Gambling)

i enjoy the occasional visit to the casino, i find it enjoyable playing games such as roulette, blackjack and occasionally the slots. to say that it is a sin is a bit over the top for me, as i find it enjoyable and fun, and that is how people should gamble in my oppinion. having been to the casino a few times though i have seen a few characters who really should not ever enter through those casino doors; for example i sawe a man the once gamble on roulette about £500 and managed to lose it in under 10 minutes. after losing it i saw him pay £1.50 to use the cash point and withdraw another £200 (i was very nosey to notice all this, but i was curious how someone could gamble so much money) and another 10 minutes later that had gone too. i could tell from the expression on his face that he was distraught and almost in tears at how much money he had managed to lose. he was shaking and running his hand through his hair, and by this time i wasnt the only person who noticed how messed up this guy looked. he then quickly left the casino, and i wouldnt have been suprised if he just broke down after he left.

people who gamble money that they really cant afford to lose, reaklly shouldnt start in the first place. very few people will win overall by gambling, so to gamble money that you cant afford to lose is rediculous. only once did i enter the casino and feel gutted and upset at how id let myself lose an amount of money, and that amount was £35. to some who gamble, like me, that is far to much money to lose and i have never done that since, but for others, thats just getting started on a night that is either going to end in disaster, or extremely well. i never want to take those risks, i just want to enjoy myself and spend say 5 or 10 pounds there, because even if you lose it its a good night.

so to say that gambling constitutes as bad really depends on how you are gambling; if you are gambling a bit of money that you can afford to lose and still have a good night then thats fine, and you never know you could even walk out with more money than you came in with! however if you are gambling money that if you lost would make you feel feel upset and angry, then it is bad, no exceptions. this can also lead to addiction, and an addiction to gambling could seriously ruin a persons life. so if you find that that person is you, dont ever go to the casino!

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